Tuesday 26 April 2011

My Comment On UnwantedHusband's wordpress blog

April 26, 2011 at 1:47 am Full sympathy for what you and your wife are going through right now; hope you can make the best decision for yourself AND your family. Two things – no one expects us all to be perfect human beings and in many ways to fail is to learn to grow. Secondly, being in a very similar situation myself, one thing that keeps me trying harder all round is that my divorced parents both expressed regret at ending theirs; they were only temporarily happier with their new partners. That said, their sufferance of each other for so many years before they divorced added a very dark cloud of depressive atmosphere to my lonely childhood. So, if there are children, think of them first and always; you’d sacrifice your life to save them in an instant, and so should consider the same for a whole childhood. Don’t let the death of a thousand cuts kill their joy at being alive at such a formative part of their lives. I weep for what my Mum and Dad went through, and also how miserable my childhood was as a result – we were all unhappy together as a family (but ok apart or separately with each parent) and it’s taken me 15 years to realise the impact this is having on my life now. I love them both deeply, but I wish they’d been able to fix it or move on sooner. Good luck UH, and to the other commenters, many valid points made here by everyone including marriagecounsellor chap (don’t ever disregard the whole of one person’s story/truth just because of your disagreement with one bit); just remember one size does not fit all !!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Kicked Out Of Bed For Snoring

I'm on the sofa. Bad dog. She has stayed awake reading til gone midnight despite a job interview early start tomorrow at 7am, and now cannot get to sleep because I am snoring apparently... I've been out and had four pints of beer ...but it seems this may be a recurrent problem - for her (when she snores I just smile and go back to sleep so it's not reciprocally one for me). Perhaps in our fucking pseudo-professional 'planning meetings' we could schedule some time to discuss how maybe I wouldn't snore so much if she'd actually made any effort to maintain our sexlife over the last eight years... instead of leaving me to choose between unfaithfulness (i.e. affairs for sexual and intimate gratification) and sense-swapping drinking too much and over-eating for my only sensual pleasures? Look at our peers; out of seven NCT couples we knew originally only three are together and one of those doesn't count as one partner is having serial affairs. But by golly they're thin and (I'm guessing) don't snore !!