Monday, 10 January 2011

"How not to watch live tv" or "Porn & The Multi Orgasmic Man"

Two things contemplated today in my search for coping mechanisms wrt my frequently mentioned intimacy-deficient relationship - more, and better, masturbation/sexual self-discovery, and heaven forbid, an affair (I should stress there's no one to direct my unfulfilled lust on the horizon just yet, but occasional 'you know what this look means, young man' encounters in local supermarkets have made the pulse race).

Vena Ramphal ( ) who has been very inspiring throughout her webinar today (populated only with shy and quiet males -self included!) is recommending that certain men read a very special book  - which I've just found here :-

...... and also, masturbation ..... but (if needed) a more discretional usage of pornography. Not less, just better, more intentional/directed.

So many women feel threatened by their partner's use of pornography (check the covers of some women's magazines and you'd be forgiven for thinking a new kind of Temperance Movement was about to start up, especially in the USA) - hence it is incredibly refreshing to hear Vena :-
a.) advocate guilt-free male masturbation and
b.) talk about male usage of pornography in a non-judgmental but instead friendly and concerned manner.
She is incredibly kind and has great understanding of both the female and male psyche.
(Oh yes that's an endorsement - check out her site )

To be honest, the spectrum I usually find arousing may well be more in the arena of 'erotica' than 'porn' so I'd hope anyone would see my use of some discretion (although it will often be pretty errr .... 'complete' stuff I think it's always the aesthetic and 'real' that grabs me) ... because, my God, there is some awful rubbish out there that can really turn you off ;?)

I don't want to watch stuff that makes me depressed afterwards (and I don't mean because the leading man has an enormous penis under his eight-pack washboard hairless tum). Some stuff is just .... you know, grubby.

So, I think Vena has a very valid point - one which I already apply to television programs so it should be easy enough to apply to pornography:-

I watch virtually nothing 'live' seeking out instead the programs that would interest me at a later date on iplayer, youtube, C4od ... the best tool I have for this incidentally is 'Get iPlayer Automator' (for mac) which acts like a mac based PVR/TiVo application - brilliant bit of kit and shareware/freeware (But please support the chap if you like it). Programs get processed into iTunes at varying user defined quality levels (e.g. iPod, tv, HD etc).

Get iPlayer Automator

When you think about it, finding the program you want to watch is being broadcast at a time when you are able to watch it or even remember it is on is like expecting to find needles in haystacks on a daily basis.

Now if someone can just recommend something like this in return, but for the rude stuff - all the usual sites need a filter as the world of porn turns ever more desperate to compete with the last nasty it spewed out onto the web ....

Here's a good example, written (supposedly?) by a woman - Gem, that has recently caught my eye
.....  in fact there is a lot of erotica on Nobody told me .... and I thought it was just another twitter/blogger/wordpress mashup !? ... Heck, look what happens when you click on the archive button or the mosaic tab

Ok - maybe using people with good taste is as effective if not more a filter as a program ! Once again social networking wins the day.


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